Tuesday, September 2, 2008

why fly? why the army?

September brings new adventures and possibilities to my life. I now have two weeks remaining before I swear in as an active member of the United States Army. It has been a long and at times challenging road to get to this point, but I am here and am excited to begin this new adventure. Part of my application process for the army's flight program required I write a short essay on why I want to be an Army Aviator. This is that essay:

"Why I want to be an Army Aviator.

"Helicopters and the freedom of flying has been a passion of mine since I was a young boy. I have always looked upon the helicopter as the most boundless, controllable form of flight. As I have grown and matured I have become more acquainted with this type of aircraft and the dedication and responsibilities associated with becoming a pilot. My desire to become an aviator for the United States Army is threefold. It stems from a passion for the craft, the opportunity to serve, and from the thrill of adventure.

"Passion for the craft- Since I can remember I have always admired and sought to learn about helicopters and the gift of flight they offer. I have recently more earnestly desired a career as a helicopter pilot and have started taking flight school to become an aviator. The base of my desire to become and aviator for the army comes from my intense desire to understand and master the control of this fascinating piece of machinery.

"Opportunity to Serve- I pride myself in coming from a family in which service is an honored tradition. My parents have taught me by word and example the value of hard work and service to others. I have not always been interested in joining the United States Armed Services but as I have investigated my career options and contemplated the possibilities I have found that the best option for me is to become a proud soldier of the United States Army. I love serving others and the U.S. Army is a wonderful way to serve the country which has blessed me with my personal freedom, and to serve those who stand in need or who perhaps do not yet enjoy the freedoms you and I do.

"Thrill of Adventure-I love adventure and doing new things. Adventure to me is something new, something bold. It fortifies courage and provokes thought. Adventure motivates me and recharges enthusiasm. I believe that becoming an aviator for the army will satisfy and support this craving with new perspectives, new sights, new comrades, and new challenges.

"I appreciate challenges, both large and small. I enjoy the satisfaction that comes from working through and solving challenges. I know that becoming an aviator for the Army will bring many new challenges into my life, however I am confident that these challenges will strengthen me and my abilities will strengthen those whom I serve."

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