Tuesday, November 20, 2007

the past is past

If you could go back to one point in your life what would it be, you can’t change anything but you can see whatever you wan to at that point. Thanksgiving 2003 was a rough one for me and my family. Thanksgiving itself was enjoyable but we came home from Oregon to discover that our house had been broken in to while we were away. I started writing this because of a thought of that and the resultant trouble that followed. What would it be like to be able to go back and see who it was? Then the thought has occured to me, how much does it really matter? What good would it do me (anyone) now? The trouble is still the same, the items taken still gone. It would place a face next to the frustrations but is that beneficial? I don’t think it would be. Hakuna matata I suppose. So, if you could go back to one point in your past what would it be?

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