Sunday, February 24, 2008


I wear black pants every weekday. What does this mean? It is different than if I were to say I wear black pants every day. But they are all week days. So who decided that there were week days and not week days? But you know what I mean when I say the first. So is a week really only five days in length? I suppose it can be argued to that point. And while I am on the subject it seems only right to call it the “weekends.” There are two of them. Yes they do touch each other, but there are still two of them, and sense they aren’t week days I am going to call them peak days. Most people amongst the masses look forward to these two days. One is a peak play or get-everything-that-you-need-to-done-in day and the other is naturally the peak day of spirituality. It is great. Two days that the world definitely could not do without. So why are they not weekdays?

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