This is a lucky season. With Leprechauns and pots of gold; with four-leaf clovers and rabbits feet? What? What is the deal with rabbits feet? When did a rabbits foot become lucky? and why are they bright pink and techni-colored?
I guess it is some sort of hoodoo thing. I am getting contradicting stories; some say it is African-American and some say from Europe. I don't know. To me it has just never seemed very lucky for the rabbit- the graveyard dwelling, shot by a silver-bullet under a full moon rabbit that is. Unfortunately, it is only the left hind foot of the rabbit so all you gullable ones out there who were sold the right foot or worse, the front foot, you are just SOL. And all you people with the fancy colored ones- when have you ever seen a coral red, or brilliant blue, or even fuchsia rabbit? You deserve whatever extravagant circumstance comes your way.
Is that mean? I am sorry. I just got carried away there for a second. To take a part of a creature that is considered lucky does not seem's just not right. I mean, I consider myself a pretty lucky individual and I am not sure how I would feel for someone to come along and start chopping off my body parts and wearing my finger on a keychain or keeping my toe on his nightstand. That is just disturbing. gives me the jeebies!
When you put it like that I can totally see where you're coming from!